Wednesday, May 29, 2024

IPAL Information Literacy Interest Group Spring Conference 2024

Thank you to all who were able to attend this year's IPAL Information Literacy Interest Group meeting! It was wonderful being able to connect with so many new faces and reconnect with friends and colleagues we’ve known for years! We had 31 people attend the IL Interest Group session held May 29, 2024 at Iowa State University's Parks Library in Ames. 

We divided time into a few segments: 

  • We started with a little orientation to the session and our activities and outlined our expectations for everyone to get the most from our time together. We went around the room and introduced ourselves and then took a brief moment for mindfulness (you’ll find the videos we used embedded in our slides below). Those who participated in person also had access to Cara's stress-relief box which has some fidget toys and coloring books to help de-stress or focus throughout our time together.
  • Then we transitioned into Table Topics - We've brought together the notes from each group and posted them in the embedded Google Doc below. There were so many rich conversations happening during the entire session, but it's particularly nice to find folks who are also interested in what you're interested in and share around the table. The topics were: 
    • Whole Person Station: self-care & recharging.  
    • AI & You: your campus, your work, your tools, your instruction
    • Instruction Motivation: what fills your cup, keeps you coming back, outreach, prep process, delivery, assessment, debrief/reflect
    • Tech Tools to Make Your Life Easier
    • Share & Tell Instruction: ideas, favorite lesson plans, lessons learned, things you wish you could try
  • We were so enjoying the Table Topics conversations that we opted to extend them into the Solution or Sympathy time. 
Thank you again to everyone who participated! There were so may important and supportive conversations happening throughout the session, all made possible because of your participation! We are grateful to have such energized, creative, and committed colleagues throughout Iowa!